segunda-feira, 7 de janeiro de 2008

Jenny Owen Youngs - Voice on tape

"All the evidence points in one direction
since I don't need you physically around
I've got your voice on tape
I've got your words in me
I don't want anything else
I don't want anyone else

A thing that I have but I've dropped
All that I've had but I dropped

I want you back and forth
I want you up and down
I want you inside out

I've got your voice on tape
I've got your words in me
I don't want anything else
I don't want anyone else

And you say that I don't have this down
but I've been practicing out loud

I want you back and forth
I want you up and down
I want you back and forth......
(I've got your voice on tape
I've got your words in me)"

Há (partes de) letras que parece que são feitas à medida, não?

2 have spoted this...:

Anónimo disse...

pára lá de pensar em mim um segundo.... hehehe

JRR disse...
